1 頁 (共 1 頁)

20120114, Saturday Dinner, Taipei, 榆小輔

文章發表於 : 週二 1月 10, 2012 8:41 am
Dear Happier :

Last time we didn't have chance to this restaurant case of closing date. So please hold the chance

This is a small restaurant with 12~15 seats that I was had nice taste several times.
The fish is fresh on the rice. And the price is not too expensive that cost NT:150~250 dollar

I suggest to order airbrush salmon rice NT200 / onion salmon rice NT200 /family salmon rice NT250. Salmon is the best.

or there is combination fish rice NT 150 for economy. signature fish rice NT100 is cheap without recommend.

榆小鋪 (捷運景美站1號出口)

airbrush salmon rice 噴槍鮭魚蓋飯
onion salmon rice 洋蔥鮭魚蓋飯
family salmon rice親子鮭魚蓋飯
combination fish rice 什錦生魚蓋飯

No recommend
signature fish rice 招牌生魚蓋飯

http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kateblythe-b ... 10780&sc=1