
Life Sharing by Jane Cheng

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Life Sharing by Jane Cheng

文章Jasmine0316 » 週日 11月 16, 2014 5:38 pm

Below is a life sharing written by Jane Cheng (Taichung):

I have just watched an American TV series: Fargo ( IMBD rating 9.1) and strongly recommend my friends to watch it.

It’s a 10 episode series which completely play as a true crime story happening in Bemidji, a small town in Minnesota, 2006. Every time when the show begins, you will see a statement on the screen saying that everything plays in it is according to what the clients said then and the police records. The only thing it altered is the names in respect to the request of the survivors. It won many Emmy Awards including Outstanding Miniseries, Outstanding Directing and Outstanding Writing. It’s so great and inspiring to me because it makes me think...a lot about human nature.

Confidence is one of them. Nygaard had been a timid and unconfident man who was often bullied at school because he was a small guy. After he met the bad guy, Lorne Malvo whose mischievous words, tough acts, cruel behavior – killing his bully right after their encounter – all of these stirred something up in his mind: He became a tough and very crafty guy without any mercy – he killed his wife in a rage got on by her mocking and set up his brother to be prosecuted and thrown into the jail as his scapegoat. Later, he become very confident in his self and even won the best seller award in his insurance business.

This is a true story. He was a very intelligent guy but he had been looked down as a timid loser because he had no guts fighting for himself since he had been bullied at school for long. He lost his confidence and got used to be seen as a loser. What makes me ponder is how a man can be so impacted by others? Why a loser could become a winner in people’s eye over night?

Thanks to Jasmine who always can quote the just perfect lines or poems according to a topic. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone can give another person: He believed in me.” – Jim Valvano. I sincerely wish every parent especially father, every teacher and every mentor who can see good in your little ones who look upon you and encourage them.

Besides the confidence part, there are too many things in it which can inspire a person or provoke us to ponder: the evil and good nature, courage and love, etc. A very intriguing good story which you can’t miss!!!

Jane Cheng
文章: 1030
註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm

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